Residential Construction Defects and Damage
What happens when your dream home becomes a nightmare? All of your investment or work put toward building or buying a home feel lost. Homeowners have every right to believe their purchase will result in a safe and secure home for their family. When negligence in construction results in damage, you have rights.
While construction defect law is often complex, our attorneys have developed specialized skills and strongly believe in protecting the rights of homeowners. Pierce Construction Law is often referred defect claims in residential developments by former clients, attorneys, and other legal professionals. We are known to tackle the most complicated cases- and come to successful resolution that puts a homeowner’s goals at the forefront.
Example: Mr. Pierce and his team of attorneys were instrumental in resolving a case for 31 homeowners in Bel Air Crest after the homeowners sustained water intrusion, damage and personal injury. It was a large case with 52 defendants, 63 experts, 83 depositions and more than 200,000 documents produced. The defendants filed four appeals, which were denied. In the end, $13 million dollars was recovered for the homeowners.
Most recently Mr. Pierce and Mr. Molloy co-chaired a successful trial on behalf of a tenant involving both property damage and personal injury due to an unusual construction defect. Water intrusion into a residential structure resulted in property damage and debilitating personal injuries due to severely damaging mold exposure. A Van Nuys, California jury voted in favor of our client against the negligent landlord and rendered a $2.1 Million verdict.

Contact us for a free assessment of your legal issue
Pierce Construction Law
11835 W. Olympic Blvd., Suite 1150 E
Los Angeles, CA 90064
telephone: (310) 231-0400